Moving On...

...or moving away??? A choice one faces very professional as well as personal life...when someone acts in a way that causes a way that is not a way that is not acceptable to years of conditioning...

...and then you have to make the choice of whether you forget and move on or hold the grudge and move away....Till recently I've thought that this "move on or move away" dilemma's answer depended on the specific details of the circumstance as well as one's personal value system....But now enlightenment has dawned on me....It is neither the circumstance or the value system...It's all about the offender...if you like him/her previously then you somehow try to justify their actions and move on...if you don't then you use that situation as the perfect excuse to move away....

Rational analysis has no statistically significant effect on this response generation....Guess, that's why even the most rational of us are still human beings and not chipsets :P


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