The Year That Will Be..

Last year, I didn't know what I wanted from the year...I thought I will have a lot of time to myself - and God, I was sooo very wrong! I was doing all household chores exactly a week after I gave birth, so I didn't even get to enjoy my maternity break.

This year, I know clearly what I want and I have a plan to make that happen - hope God is not giggling !

I am going to start driving a car - I had learned driving and have a valid license; but I never got around to actually driving on a day to day basis, thinking 'what if I have an accident?'. This year that will change!

I am also going to write a book, maybe two. It has been a long cherished dream and I never got around to it thinking 'what if I don't find a publisher?'.

I am also going to enroll in piano classes - I will write the Grade exam by end of the year.

This year, I am going to keep aside all 'what ifs' and give everything a try...I am confident that if I try and do my part, the universe and the Lord above will do theirs too !

There are couple of other dreams too, which I plan to work on this year ...expect updates on all of this by June or earlier !


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