'Organic'ally Yours

When I wrote about my last year, I forgot to mention one major event - I bought myself an organ. I have always wanted to play the piano...My school had a piano class and they used to teach kids to take the royal college exams...I have wistfully stood outside the doors of the piano room eagerly waiting to just see it...Someone convinced my mom that a piano costs 1 lakh and above, so buying one was totally out of question. I remember asking her whether I could join classes at least and she believed that there is no point studying it without being able to practice at home...Well, all that is history...I bought my beginner level organ for 10K. I am learning to play 'Jingle Bells' and have almost learned the part for my right hand...With my kid around, it is not really easy, and I am not taking any formal lessons...But, it is the first step towards a long cherished dream...I hope to clear the Royal College exams soon...
P.S. I think the piano classes at school were so good that they really captured our imaginations...My sister too has bought an organ and she is busy enjoying her classes these days !


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