In Retrospect...

...the year that 's breathing its last was like any other year to me - a mixed bag. But, today I just want to look back and feel good about all the things that went right for me...So here goes...Rather, before I proceed this is a purely selfish exercise in vanity expected to boost my own whoever doesn't like the sound of blowing trumpets, please save yourselves...

1. We got a worldspace connection and a bose music system ...Made the music lover in me happy....

2. Went to Japan and Wayanad and several smaller weekend trips - my travel dreams were satiated - all the trips were really amazing ...

3. I got myself a Canon IXUS 910 ...suits my need for a shoot and click camera quite well

4. The first rose in my garden bloomed...I started with an empty pot and a shovel, and I am not really blessed with a green thumb, and so I was thrilled to bits when I actually saw it...

5. I got to spend more time with my nephew who is an adorable 3 yr old bundle of pure fun !

6. Read a lot of books - something I had wanted to do as part of my plans for the year.

Well, there were a lot of things that went wrong too, but that will spoil the spirit of the season...

Here's me signing off... with some more snaps that capture moments of pure joy....


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