Being Selfish; Being Resilient...

There is a thin line - a very very thin line between being labelled selfish or being labelled resilient...
Surprised? Well, here is a story.

A and B are both having trouble in their families and left their spouses and moved to far away places with their kids. They started a new life albeit difficulties and at least in the short term kids seem to be doing fine as well.

A is termed resilient; while B is termed selfish.

Because, A is family and B's spouse is family !!!

Now, onto stereotypes ....Most people to whom I relate this story to, implicitly assume that both A and B are women - 'cos the kids are with them....


Surprising that A and B are considered to be women -- resilience isn't a label easily awarded to women who choose to leave their troubled marriages/families behind.
Tinkerbells said…
Anu, I fully agree with you. But if it is one's own sibling/dear cousin, then the fault is invariably ascribed to the other party ! And its the reference to the kids that make them feel its the woman who has left...

The suppression of women by giving lofty standards to live upto is the most subtle - its not at all obvious to most people.

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