Waving Goodbye...

...to the city of my dreams...
From where I ...
Received my first pay cheque...
Tasted my first glass of wine...
Learned to dodge backstabs...
Transitioned from child to adult...
Travelled in a bike at 130kmph...
Dug into my first KFC chicken, Pizza Corner pizza and McDonald burger...
Returned home safely at 1:00 pm in the nite...
Roamed in a mall just for the heck of it...
Survived on my own...

I've had the best of times with you....and the worst of times too...But, you will always hold that special place in my heart which is reserved for first loves...


Alex said…

Sense's Lenses said…
*sigh* i so miss my city too...
But i learnt to love the difference of every new city and try my best to kill the auge that makes me want to start every sentence with 'back in my city...'
Tinkerbells said…
@alex: :P
@sense: yea, am still in that mode of "back in my city" :)

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